How do I accept my creator invitation?
When someone invites you to collaborate in SparqFest, you will receive an invitation with a 6 character invitation code if you don't already have an account with that festival. In most cases, you can simply click the “Accept Invitation” button in the email and that will guide you through the process of getting an account setup with SparqFest. You wi...
How do I access the Creator Portal
The location of the link to access the Creator Portal varies depending on the site theme for which your SparqFest site is configured. Typically, you will find it either in the page footer or in the profile menu after you login. If the link is at the bottom of the page and you are not logged in, the site will first prompt you to login and then redire...
Can't you just download this stuff from FilmFreeway?
In short, no. The long answer is that there is no standard for the files that FilmFreeway accepts when you create your project. Some we can download, some we cannot. Some are screening quality, some are specifically for online viewing. Some are early cuts, some are final masters. Whatever the case for you video, there is no direct mechanism that ena...
Can you download my video from Dropbox?
Yes. When you are uploading your video, select “Dropbox” for the “File Location” field. A button will appear for selecting the file from Dropbox. When you select the file, we will automatically transfer that file from Dropbox to the festival's storage. You may be asked to sign in to Dropbox and grant us permission to access the file if you have not ...
Can you download my video from Google Drive?
Yes. When you are uploading your video, select “Google Drive” for the “File Location” field. A button will appear for selecting the file from Google Drive. When you select the file, we will automatically transfer that file from Google Drive to the festival's storage. Prior to picking the file, you will be asked to sign in to Google and grant us perm...
What video formats do you support?
We support almost any common video codec and file format. The only format that we do not support is ProRes 4444. We do support all other ProRes formats, but ProRes 4444 is specifically a mastering format for post-production and not for delivery. YOU MUST INCLUDE AN AUDIO TRACK EVEN IF YOUR WORK HAS NO SOUND. Not including an audio track is almost al...
I am uploading my video file, but it just says, "Ingesting".
There are two parts to uploading your video: the upload phase the ingest phase. During the upload phase, your video file is being transferred from your computer to our servers. Once that is complete, the ingest phase begins. Once the ingest phase begins, you can close your browser or do other things. The ingest phase can vary from a few minutes to...
I got an error about the dimensions/aspect ratio of my poster.
If you receive an error saying something like, "The dimensions of the image you uploaded were..." or "The aspect ratio (width/height) does not match our needs for this kind of image...", then you have uploaded an image that will not work for your festival. People see this error when they upload an image for a field that requires an image of a specif...
How do I know if I am done?
Once you are done, you will receive an email indicating that you have completed all tasks. In addition, your project will show as 100% complete, all tasks green, and no error message at the bottom of your selection panel. If you are not yet done, your project will show a completion level less than 100% with a red error message indicating what is mis...
Where do I upload my script/pitch deck?
Scripts and pitch decks are uploaded on the “Media Assets” tab and listed as a “Screener”. Simply click on the box or drag your PDF onto the box and drop it. NOTE: the SparqFest web site for your festival DOES NOT make PDF documents available to the general public. Only festival staff and jury members have access to these documents. Check with your ...
I don't see my changes.
Before your selection will appear on the public web site, the festival director must enable the display of this year's selections. They may be waiting for a certain number of selections to enter their data. If you have made a change and your selection is already on the site, your page will re-generate after a few minutes. Your browser, however, will...